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District Applications


What information is being collected?

  • Student name, pupil number, grade, homeroom, birthdate, address, phone number, parent/guardian name and email, and student class and activity information. 

Who is it being shared with?

  • District employees involved in the administration of the system, including: finance department staff at the school and district level involved in invoicing and collection of school fees and district IT personnel responsible for data transfer and ensuring technology protocols are in place and maintained. 


For what purpose?

  • To provide parents and guardians with a secure payment system so students are not carrying cash or cheques to and from school.  

  • Maximize efficiency in the management of school fees and expenses and provide a single source of fees and payment history in one place. 


What else do I need to know?

  • The KEV application is a condition of service for Central Okanagan Public Schools as it supports essential operations for all programs.

  • KEV collects, stores, processes and shares personal information only for the purposes of providing the service.

  • KEV does not own the content or data collected from a district, school board, school, teacher, parent or student. Users own their content and data. KEV does not retain personal information any longer than necessary for the delivery of services or comply with legal requirements.

  • KEV does not sell, use or share personal information or content for marketing or advertising purposes.

  • KEV does not use student data for targeted advertising purposes.

Central Okanagan Public Schools - Learning Technology Services

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