District Applications

What information is being collected?
Student demographics, such as names, grade, photo, citizenship, self-declared ancestry, language preferences, medical information, email, phone number, permissions and FOIPPA preferences.
General and unique educational programming information, student course participation, grades and attendance records are maintained in MyEducation BC.
Staff demographics and class assignments.
Parent/guardian and emergency contact information, such as names, phone numbers and addresses.
Who is it being shared with?
MyEducation BC data is stored in a secure data centre in Kelowna and managed by the service provider, Fujitsu Consulting (Canada). A secondary data centre is maintained by Fujitsu Consulting (Canada) in Regina and is a backup site for disaster recovery purposes.
For what purpose?
MyEducation BC is the provincial student information system required by the Ministry of Education. It supports the operational needs of schools and districts for managing student information. It is also the platform for reporting data back to the Ministry of Education for the purposes of funding, graduation tracking, and historical enrollment and academic record retention.
What else do I need to know?
MyEducation BC is a condition of service for Central Okanagan Public Schools as it supports student management and tracking as per Ministry of Education requirements.
MyEducation BC collects, stores, processes and shares student personal information only for the purposes of delivering educational programs to students.
MyEducation BC is owned by the Ministry of Education and is subject to all privacy regulations and legislation governing Ministry of Education software systems.
Student data is not used for advertising, marketing or any purposes outside of delivering educational programming to students.
Access to MyEducation BC is limited by security roles and assigned to users who are directly involved with students’ educational programming. Access is regularly reviewed to ensure users have access that is appropriate to their involvement in student programming.